Saturday, March 22, 2008

easter break

It's been a rough semester so far and I feel like I'm maxing out my capabilites. FOUR more weeks of this and if I can make it through I will be on to clinical rotations. This week there were two nights in a row where I didn't sleep more than 2-3 hours, and at that I was scared of sleeping hard so I slept on the carpet without a pillow! Pitiful me.
Although I'm remembering enough of the stuff I'm reading at 4am to get some grades I'm proud of.
It's finally time for a break from school and this easter break is the best they could do-- one day on either side of a weekend makes "spring break" at LSU health sciences center. Generous.
I am catching up on my beauty sleep and hanging out 24/7 with Triton, our pretty chocolate lab. He's the only friend I've got these days, as Randy went to Georgia to see his best buddy Paul for a pre-Iraq deployment "going away" party. Everyone pray for Paul and his beautiful wife Jen and their new baby Kenneth!
Missing Randy, out for now.

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